December 29, 2020
Community Foundation Awards $50,000 to Greater Washington County Food Bank for Protein
The Washington County Community Foundation (WCCF) announced today that it has awarded a $50,000 grant to the Greater Washington County Food Bank to purchase shelf-stable protein for distribution to the more than 2,800 Washington County clients served by the Food Bank.
October 27, 2020
$5,000 People’s Choice Award to be Determined by Community Votes
The Washington County Community Foundation (WCCF) is encouraging members of the community to participate in its web-based People’s Choice Award contest, which runs from October 25 through November 25. The winning non-profit will receive a $5,000 unrestricted grant.
September 29, 2020
WCCF Announces $70,000 in COVID-19 Grants to Public Schools
The Washington County Community Foundation (WCCF) is pleased to announce that it has issued grants from its Close to Home Disaster and Emergency Fund to the 14 public school districts in Washington County to help support the education of financially needy students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
September 14, 2020
WCCF Gives Sets New Giving Record!
The Washington County Community Foundation (WCCF) is pleased to announce that its annual day of giving, WCCF Gives, has set a new giving record with over $1,200,000 contributed through check contributions and on-line credit card gifts.
September 8, 2020
CNX Real Estate Gift to WCCF To Be Sold at Public Auction
The Washington County Community Foundation (WCCF) is pleased to announce that a public auction for residential property being donated to the WCCF by CNX Resources has been scheduled for early October.
August 13, 2020
WCCF Seeks Applications for Grants Totaling $35,000
The Washington County Community Foundation (WCCF) is seeking applications for $35,000 in grants available through its final competitive grant cycle of 2020. Seven grants of $5,000 each will be awarded, with the grantees announced in late October.