Eighty Four, PA – The Washington County Community Foundation (WCCF) is pleased to announce the creation of a new grant-making fund that will support nonprofits throughout Washington County in perpetuity. The GIVE Washington County Fund was initiated by the EQT Foundation, the philanthropic extension of EQT Corporation, the nation’s largest producer of natural gas, with a $25,000 contribution that was enhanced by a $10,000 contribution from EQT CEO, Toby Rice.
“The creation of GIVE Washington County Fund will give Washington County nonprofits another avenue to evolve their missions and sustain the important work they do to help many in the community,” said Ellen Rossi, President of the EQT Foundation. “We are thrilled to be the catapult for this type of forward-thinking philanthropy and hope it will spark a spirit of giving for many in the County.”
To encourage its landowners to contribute, EQT will match up to $10,000 per land lease for contributions to the Fund. For ease of processing, landowners may elect to have tax-deductible contributions withdrawn from royalty payments. EQT is also encouraging its vendors and business partners to contribute to the Fund.
Grants from the Fund, which shall commence in 2024 and be no less than $2,500 per grantee, will be considered by a grants committee comprised of contributors to the Fund. Structured very broadly, the Fund may support any nonprofit providing charitable services in Washington County with grantees selected via an open and competitive process. However, the grants committee may target grants in any year to a specific focus area. The Foundation will announce the availability of grants in advance of the application deadline and will provide the opportunity for interested nonprofits to make application through its website.
The total grant amount in any year shall be equal to the greater of $5,000 or 4% of the Fund’s fair market value as of December 31 of the previous year. The Fund is currently valued at approximately $65,000.
Todd James, EQT Chief Accounting Officer and a WCCF Trustee remarked, “As a representative of both EQT and the WCCF, I see great value in this partnership dedicated to addressing local needs.” He went on to say, “This new Fund is part of EQT’s corporate GIVES Campaign, which also created perpetual grant making funds at the community foundations serving Greene County, PA, Belmont County, OH, Marion County, WV, and Wetzel County, WV. In each of these counties, EQT is encouraging its landowners to contribute by offering matching contributions and providing the opportunity for gifts to be deducted from royalty payments.”
“EQT has been a generous community partner for decades, contributing significant amounts of pass-through money for a variety of grant-making purposes,” remarked WCCF President & CEO Betsie Trew. “While we were very appreciative of the pass-through contributions, the creation of this perpetual fund is particularly exciting because it aligns with our primary objective to build a growing endowment to meet the emerging and unmet needs in Washington County.”
Contributions to the GIVE Washington County Fund are encouraged from all sources and can be made via the Foundation’s website at www.wccf.net or by contacting the WCCF at 724-222-6330. EQT leaseholders may also visit the WCCF website to access a form to enroll in the GIVE campaign and take advantage of the EQT match opportunity.
The Washington County Community Foundation manages about 200 component funds that support a variety of charitable purposes to improve the quality of life in Washington County. Grants are provided to public charities, public school districts and other educational institutions, fire departments, municipalities, etc.