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AP Delsandro Veteran's Memorial


To raise funds for the reconstruction and maintenance of a Veterans Memorial and to support beneficial and charitable causes in and near Donora, PA.

Programs and Services

  • HISTORY AND GOALS: The original memorial structure was removed due to environmental damage and will be replaced with a new structure that will include professionally designed lighting and a landscaped seating area. It is estimated that an additional $80,000 is needed for the completion of the lighting elements and seating area.
  • PROGRESS: To date, ongoing fundraising efforts have funded the replacement of the 50ft X 50ft concrete slab on which the memorial resides, the cleaning, re coating and placement of four historic plaques on new steel bases and installation of Four 5 ft. X 10 ft. original art, patriotic murals. We recently secured the services of a professional lighting designer who will collaborate with our architect to create a plan to illuminate all key areas of the site. Donor bricks have been mounted and additional orders are being accepted.
  • FUNDRAISING AND CHARITABLE GIVING: Fundraising efforts have been in place for well over 39 years. Early on, all funds raised were distributed entities including The Mon Valley Hospital, Donora Police, Donora Fire Department and other charities. In more recent years, in order to accumulate funds to support the rebuilding of the memorial structure, a portion of funds raised are now distributed to other charities with the remainder attributed to our construction fund. Recent donations have been made to Donora Youth Sports, The Donora Library, Mon Valley Youth and Teen Association, Donora Historical Society, Mon Valley Veterans Association and The Salvation Army.
  • A donor "Brick Drive" was launched in May of 2022. Purchasers can dedicate a brick to a veteran, loved one, charitable organization, service branch, etc. The brick drive has been a financial success as well as a way to foster positive community involvement.
  • Last year we were awarded a generous amount as a result of the the WCCF Day of Giving campaign. Additionally, we have secured donations from local individuals, regional businesses and organizations. A portion of these funds will be used to sponsor elements of the new site.

Primary Revenue Sources

Fund raising activities - (golf outing, donor brick sale, general fund raising)

Primary Fundraising Event

Annual golf outing

2022 Financials

Federal Tax ID 51-0462696
Revenue 24430
Expenses 15603.26
Net Assets 31863.73


Name: Tom Delsandro
Title: Co-Director
Phone: (724) 272-6171
Address: 3 2nd. Street Ext.
Donora, PA 15033

This website contains an organizational snapshot, as well as links and contact information, for each of our participating charities. We have also included the tax identification number for each charity so Donors wishing to review more detailed financial and governance information may access the Form 990 for that charity via