Betsie Trew was not born into wealth. Her parents didn’t make charitable contributions. She was born in the Mon Valley to illiterate, immigrant parents, one of eight children living in reduced circumstances.
“I have empathy for people,” she said. “Some think I’m all about money, or numbers, and those are important. I am focused on the means to make things better for people. That’s the reason I did the things I did.”
As the first member of her family to graduate from college, she took a job with US Steel, but when her mother developed cancer, Betsie had to move closer to Washington Hospital. She had no experience with nonprofits when she landed a position with the United Way, where she became acquainted with the titans of the Washington County nonprofit world: Chuck Keller, Lou Waller, and Richard White. In 1998, they offered her a new challenge: head the newly created Washington County Community Foundation, an organization with no history, no track record, and big ambitions.
It was a leap of faith, but she was up to the challenge, taking an organization that started with $5000 to its current assets of just under $60 million, generating $30 million in grants.
Her 26-year career has many highlights, The first million-dollar donation. Hitting milestones of $10 or $25 million. Accepting the donation of the Brownlee House from Bill Stout.
Trustees were skeptical; the house needed major renovations, but Betsie knew her donors. One opened a checkbook for animals, another loved the arts. Money for historical renovation comes from different pots, different grants, different donors. She raised $1.5 million for renovations and set up an endowment for maintenance. The house became the Foundation’s headquarters, a space to train nonprofits and the ideal place to cultivate donors.
She also initiated WCCF Gives. The Foundation has four roles: fundraising, making grants, providing donor services, and community leadership. WCCF Gives ticked all four boxes, returning $12 million to the community.
“Gives Day allowed us to take a leadership role,” Trew said. “We take no fees and help charities.”
Betsie led the WCCF to become a leader in philanthropy. She did it not by merely raising funds but by teaching local nonprofits how to do it themselves.
“Our Capacity Building grants were transformational,” she said with pride.
Charities know how to create their programs, but they also need to know about audits and strategic planning. They might need new technology, software, or websites.
“We walked our own talk. We spent money on technology, then encouraged charities to do the same.”
Domestic Violence Services, Food Helpers, the Literacy Council, the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum, and so many others benefited.
The organizations were grateful.
"Betsie Trew was instrumental in the Bradford House Historical Association's development,” said Executive Director Tracie Liberatore. “I consider her a mentor, supporter, participant, educator, and friend."
Betsie Trew has retired as President and CEO of WCCF, and plans to spend time with her family, especially her seven grandchildren. The nonprofit world will feel the loss.
In addition to her pride in assisting local organizations meet their missions, she said “It has been a joy to work with donors who truly care about our community.”